GQ Negroni

Gqeberha bridge in South Africa

If Gqeberha can get a name change, so can the classic Negroni! Campari, and Sweet Vermouth with our Agave twist. The perfect after-work cocktail just got better!


25ml LTA Blanco (1 shot)

25ml Campari

25ml Sweet Vermouth 

1 cup ice 

10ml Agave syrup, optional

Orange twist for garnish 


Add a small handful of ice to a cocktail glass. Pour Agave, Campari, Sweet Vermouth and stir for 30 seconds. Sweeten with Agave syrup if desired. Strain into a glass over large ice cubes, garnish with an orange twist.

Close up of Tequila Negroni Agave spirit cocktail

Looking to try something different? This Agave cocktail is a must try!

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